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Difficult and Thin-Walled: The Challenges of Imaging the Right Ventricle for Clinical Decision Making.

Friedrich MG, Chetrit M
PubMed Entry date: 05/01/2023
Journal: JACC. Cardiovascular imaging
PubMedID: 36599568
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
16.051 0 0 0

Myasthenia gravis, myositis and myocarditis: a fatal triad of immune-related adverse effect of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment.

Soman B, Dias MC, Rizvi SAJ, Kardos A
PubMed Entry date: 04/01/2023
Journal: BMJ case reports
PubMedID: 36593626
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Preliminary Research on the Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients with Post-COVID-19 Syndrome.

Kitala D, Labus W, Kozielski J, Strzelec P, Nowak M, Knefel G, Dyjas P, Materniak K, Kosmala J, Pajak J, Czop J, Janda-Kalus B, Marona B, Nowak-Wrozyna A, Gierek M, Szczegielniak J, Kucharzewski M
PubMed Entry date: 09/01/2023
Journal: Journal of clinical medicine
PubMedID: 36615108
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.964 0 0 0

Exosome-based delivery of VP1 protein conferred enhanced resistance of mice to CVB3-induced viral myocarditis.

Zhang C, Zhang Y, Li Y, Lu J, Xiong S, Yue Y
PubMed Entry date: 06/01/2023
Journal: Virology
PubMedID: 36603532
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.513 0 0 0

Cardiac Involvement in Children Affected by COVID-19: Clinical Features and Diagnosis.

Vasichkina E, Alekseeva D, Karev V, Podyacheva E, Kudryavtsev I, Glushkova A, Starshinova AY, Kudlay D, Starshinova A
PubMed Entry date: 09/01/2023
Journal: Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)
PubMedID: 36611412
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.992 0 0 0

Natural infection with Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis species in domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Iran.

Khordadmehr M, Sazmand A, Almasi P, Shahbazi P, Ranjbar V, Otranto D, Hemphill A
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases
PubMedID: 36621271
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count

Leptospiral myocarditis and pancreatitis.

Sharma R, Gurtoo A, Prakash A, Jose R, Bansal P
PubMed Entry date: 05/01/2023
Journal: Tropical doctor
PubMedID: 36597661
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0.828 0 0 0

The Incidence of Myocarditis Following an Influenza Vaccination: A Population-Based Observational Study.

Wang WH, Wei KC, Huang YT, Huang KH, Tsai TH, Chang YC
PubMed Entry date: 11/01/2023
Journal: Drugs & aging
PubMedID: 36626028
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.271 1 0 0

Myocarditis in children after COVID-19 vaccine.

Aljohani OA, Arcilla L, Kaushik N, Cresalia NM, Li B, Edwell AA, Ramirez AM, Anwar S
PubMed Entry date: 03/01/2023
Journal: Annals of pediatric cardiology
PubMedID: 36589642
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Exercise testing in patients with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children-related myocarditis versus idiopathic or viral myocarditis.

Ziebell D, Patel T, Stark M, Xiang Y, Oster ME
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Cardiology in the young
PubMedID: 36624558
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.023 0 0 0

Side effects of Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) COVID-19 vaccine reported by the Birzeit University community.

Abukhalil AD, Shatat SS, Abushehadeh RR, Al-Shami N, Naseef HA, Rabba A
PubMed Entry date: 06/01/2023
Journal: BMC infectious diseases
PubMedID: 36604613
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.667 1 0 0

Analysis of long noncoding RNAs and mRNAs expression profiles in the hearts of mice with acute viral myocarditis.

Xue Y, Ke J, Zhang J, Chen M, Zeng L, Fan Q, Zheng C, Chen F
PubMed Entry date: 07/01/2023
Journal: Journal of medical virology
PubMedID: 36606604
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
20.693 0 0 0

Short-term outcome of late gadolinium changes detected on cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging following coronavirus disease 2019 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine-related myocarditis in adolescents.

Krupickova S, Voges I, Mohiaddin R, Bautista C, Li W, Herberg J, Daubeney PEF, Pennell DJ, Fraisse A
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Pediatric radiology
PubMedID: 36622403
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.005 0 0 0

Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students.

Chiu SN, Chen YS, Hsu CC, Hua YC, Tseng WC, Lu CW, Lin MT, Chen CA, Wu MH, Chen YT, Chien TH, Tseng CL, Wang JK
PubMed Entry date: 06/01/2023
Journal: European journal of pediatrics
PubMedID: 36602621
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.86 2 0 0

Diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis in patients presenting with cardiac arrest or life-threatening arrhythmias.

Hatipoglu S, Gardezi SKM, Azzu A, Baksi J, Alpendurada F, Izgi C, Khattar R, Kouranos V, Wells AU, Sharma R, Wechalekar K, Pennell DJ, Mohiaddin R
PubMed Entry date: 11/01/2023
Journal: Heart (British Cardiac Society)
PubMedID: 36627181
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
7.365 0 0 0

Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis.

Yonker LM, Swank Z, Bartsch YC, Burns MD, Kane A, Boribong BP, Davis JP, Loiselle M, Novak T, Senussi Y, Cheng CA, Burgess E, Edlow AG, Chou J, Dionne A, Balaguru D, Lahoud-Rahme M, Arditi M, Julg B, Randolph AG, Alter G, Fasano A, Walt DR
PubMed Entry date: 05/01/2023
Journal: Circulation
PubMedID: 36597886
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
39.918 1 0 0

Acute hypoxemia caused by Impella in a patient with fulminant myocarditis and patent foramen ovale.

Shibao K, Murasato Y, Araki M, Tayama E, Fukumoto Y
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Journal of cardiology cases
PubMedID: 36618839
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Examination of Adverse Reactions After COVID-19 Vaccination Among Patients With a History of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.

Elias MD, Truong DT, Oster ME, Trachtenberg FL, Mu X, Jone PN, Mitchell EC, Dummer KB, Sexson Tejtel SK, Osakwe O, Thacker D, Su JA, Bradford TT, Burns KM, Campbell MJ, Connors TJ, D'Addese L, Forsha D, Frosch OH, Giglia TM, Goodell LR, Handler SS, Hasbani K, Hebson C, Krishnan A, Lang SM, McCrindle BW, McHugh KE, Morgan LM, Payne RM, Sabati A, Sagiv E, Sanil Y, Serrano F, Newburger JW, Dionne A
PubMed Entry date: 04/01/2023
Journal: JAMA network open
PubMedID: 36595296
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
13.353 0 0 0

Strain Echocardiographic Evaluation of Myocardial Involvement in Patients with Continuing Chest Pain after COVID-19 Infection.

Ozdemir E, Karagoz U, Emren SV, Altay S, Eren NK, Ozdemir S, Tokac M
PubMed Entry date: 12/01/2023
Journal: Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia
PubMedID: 36629604
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
2.667 1 0 0

[Massive pancarditis-autopsy report].

Hansen T, Otto M, Pohl J, Birkner G, Hansen I, Titze U, Kriegsmann J
PubMed Entry date: 03/01/2023
Journal: Pathologie (Heidelberg, Germany)
PubMedID: 36592174
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Ultra Short Heart Rate Variability Predicts Clinical Outcomes in Patients with a Clinical Presentation Consistent with Myocarditis: A Derivation Cohort Analysis.

Perek S, Nussinovitch U, Cohen R, Gidron Y, Raz-Pasteur A
PubMed Entry date: 09/01/2023
Journal: Journal of clinical medicine
PubMedID: 36614887
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.964 0 0 0

Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease-Associated Enterovirus and the Development of Multivalent HFMD Vaccines.

Zhang X, Zhang Y, Li H, Liu L
PubMed Entry date: 09/01/2023
Journal: International journal of molecular sciences
PubMedID: 36613612
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
6.208 0 0 0

Vasospastic angina following COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis: an underlying cause of chest pain.

Tanaka A, Fukuoka S, Nagata H
PubMed Entry date: 12/01/2023
Journal: Cardiology in the young
PubMedID: 36628632
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.023 0 0 0

COVID-19 vaccines adverse events: potential molecular mechanisms.

Lamprinou M, Sachinidis A, Stamoula E, Vavilis T, Papazisis G
PubMed Entry date: 07/01/2023
Journal: Immunologic research
PubMedID: 36607502
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.505 1 0 0

Myocardial oedema in the setting of immersion pulmonary oedema - Cause or effect?

Oldman J, Morwood S, Willis J, Augustine DX
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: BMJ case reports
PubMedID: 36623912
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Entrectinib-Induced Heart Failure in a Patient With Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report.

Otsu Y, Kata Y, Takayasu H, Inoue S, Kaneko T
PubMed Entry date: 07/01/2023
Journal: Cureus
PubMedID: 36605067
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Metabolic reprogramming as a novel therapeutic target for Coxsackievirus B3.

Kuk MU, Ga YJ, Kim YJ, Park JY, Song ES, Lee H, Lee YH, Ko G, Kim JK, Yeh JY, Kwon HW, Byun Y, Park JT
PubMed Entry date: 07/01/2023
Journal: Animal cells and systems
PubMedID: 36605593
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
2.398 0 0 0

Cardiovascular manifestations of monogenic periodic fever syndromes.

Sonmez HE, Bayindir Y, Batu ED
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Clinical rheumatology
PubMedID: 36622520
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.65 0 0 0

Prevalence and pattern of myocardial involvement on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in Takayasu arteritis and its relationship with disease activity.

Chattopadhyay A, Singhal M, Debi U, Bhal A, Sharma A, Jain S
PubMed Entry date: 06/01/2023
Journal: Reumatologia clinica
PubMedID: 36603966
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Therapeutic effect of captopril combined with phosphocreatine sodium on viral myocarditis.

Wang Y, Chen W, Li M, Chen X
PubMed Entry date: 12/01/2023
Journal: American journal of translational research
PubMedID: 36628215
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.94 0 0 0

A Comprehensive Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Discourse by Vaccine Brand on Korean Twitter: Topic and Sentiment Analysis.

Park S, Suh YK
PubMed Entry date: 06/01/2023
Journal: Journal of medical Internet research
PubMedID: 36603153
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
7.076 0 0 0

[Not Available].

Sousa JP, Roque D, Guerreiro C, Teixeira R
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology
PubMedID: 36621565
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.651 0 0 0

Infections and Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Focus Seminar 1/4.

Farina JM, Liblik K, Iomini P, Miranda-Arboleda AF, Saldarriaga C, Mendoza I, Zaidel EJ, Rubio-Campal JM, Sosa-Liprandi A, Baranchuk A
PubMed Entry date: 05/01/2023
Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology
PubMedID: 36599613
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
27.203 1 0 0

Generation of four human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from COVID-19 hospitalized patients with increased levels of cardiac Troponin in the acute infection phase developing or not myocarditis.

Rabino M, Rurali E, Zamboni C, Rovina D, Mallia S, Cauteruccio M, Baggiano A, Giacari CM, Bellin M, Pompilio G
PubMed Entry date: 12/01/2023
Journal: Stem cell research
PubMedID: 36630840
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.587 0 0 0

Prognostic Value of Right Ventricular Function in Patients With Suspected Myocarditis Undergoing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance.

Bernhard B, Schnyder A, Garachemani D, Fischer K, Tanner G, Safarkhanlo Y, Stark AW, Schutze J, Pavlicek-Bahlo M, Greulich S, Johner C, Wahl A, Benz DC, Kwong RY, Grani C
PubMed Entry date: 05/01/2023
Journal: JACC. Cardiovascular imaging
PubMedID: 36599567
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
16.051 2 0 0

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cannulation Timing in the Pediatric Myocarditis Population: An Exploratory Analysis From the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Registry.

Gutierrez ME, Anders M, Guffey D, Denfield SW, Deshpande SR, Rajagopal SK, Thiagarajan RR, Alexander PMA, Lasa JJ
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Critical care explorations
PubMedID: 36619364
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Severe coronary artery spasm after administration of a 5-hydroxytryptamine type 1 receptor agonist in a patient with new-onset Graves' disease and myocarditis after SARS-CoV2 vaccination.

Vandebosch C, Dupont M, Verhaert D, Mullens W
PubMed Entry date: 05/01/2023
Journal: Acta cardiologica
PubMedID: 36597848
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.738 1 0 0

Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced myocarditis with myasthenia gravis overlap syndrome: A case report and literature review.

Gao L, Li X, Guo Z, Tang L, Peng J, Liu B
PubMed Entry date: 11/01/2023
Journal: Medicine
PubMedID: 36626474
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.817 0 0 0

Childhood pheochromocytoma crisis complicated with brain stem infarction: A case report.

Xie F, Zhao Q, Pan W, Zhang A, Li K
PubMed Entry date: 04/01/2023
Journal: Medicine
PubMedID: 36595857
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.817 0 0 0

Myopericarditis - A catastrophic complication of dengue fever.

Giri A, Acharya S, Kamat S, Shukla S, Kumar S
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Journal of family medicine and primary care
PubMedID: 36618179
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0

Development of myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents: A systematic review.

Fatima M, Khan MHA, Ali MS, Osama M, Cheema HA, Ahmed A, Nisar A, Murad MW, Farooq H, Rehman MAU, Swed S, Akbar UA
PubMed Entry date: 04/01/2023
Journal: Clinical cardiology
PubMedID: 36594165
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.287 1 0 0

Eosinophilic myocarditis from a forensic histopathological perspective.

Gun E, Bugra A
PubMed Entry date: 13/01/2023
Journal: Journal of forensic sciences
PubMedID: 36633063
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
1.717 0 0 0

Commentary on why implementing and standardizing histologic diagnosis of myocarditis is crucial for the clinical setting and patient care.

Fishbein GA, Leone O, Basso C, Fallon JT, Klingel K, Tan C
PubMed Entry date: 03/01/2023
Journal: Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology
PubMedID: 36592720
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.975 0 0 0

Myasthenia Gravis Induced by Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: An Emerging Neurotoxicity in Neuro-Oncology Practice: Case Series.

Marco C, Simo M, Alemany M, Casasnovas C, Dominguez R, Vilarino N, Calvo M, Martin-Liberal J, Brenes J, Sabater-Riera J, Bruna J, Velasco R
PubMed Entry date: 09/01/2023
Journal: Journal of clinical medicine
PubMedID: 36614930
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.964 0 0 0

Cardiac magnetic resonance in giant cell myocarditis: a matched comparison with cardiac sarcoidosis.

Poyhonen P, Nordenswan HK, Lehtonen J, Syvaranta S, Shenoy C, Kupari M
PubMed Entry date: 11/01/2023
Journal: European heart journal. Cardiovascular Imaging
PubMedID: 36624560
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
9.13 0 0 0

Clinico-epidemiological Profile and Predictors of Poor Outcome Among Children During a Diphtheria Outbreak in Haryana.

Ahmed A, Singh M, Tank P, Yadav M
PubMed Entry date: 13/01/2023
Journal: Indian pediatrics
PubMedID: 36633113
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
3.839 0 0 0

A recent view about encephalomyocarditis virus circulating in compartmentalised animal population in Northern Italy.

Foglia EA, Pezzoni G, Bonilauri P, Torri D, Grazioli S, Brocchi E
PubMed Entry date: 12/01/2023
Journal: Scientific reports
PubMedID: 36631510
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.996 0 0 0

Relatlimab and nivolumab in untreated advanced melanoma: insight into RELATIVITY.

Raschi E, Comito F, Massari F, Gelsomino F
PubMed Entry date: 12/01/2023
Journal: Immunotherapy
PubMedID: 36628573
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
4.04 0 0 0

Use of avacopan in severe forms of ANCA-associated vasculitis. Comment on "Inhibiting C5a/C5aR to treat ANCA-associated vasculitides‿ by Terrier et al. Joint Bone Spine 2023;90:105472.

Astouati Q, Provot F, Farhat MM, Launay D, Sanges S
PubMed Entry date: 10/01/2023
Journal: Joint bone spine
PubMedID: 36623800
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
5.263 0 0 0

Conduction system disorders and electrocardiographic findings in COVID-19 deceased patients in 2021, Shiraz, Iran.

Nikoo MH, Sadeghi A, Estedlal A, Fereidooni R, Dehdari Ebrahimi N, Maktabi A, Kamgar M, Mehran F, Mehdibeygi O, Esfandiari H, Taherinezhad Tayebi M, Heydari ST
PubMed Entry date: 07/01/2023
Journal: World journal of cardiology
PubMedID: 36605421
Quartile Impact Factor WOS Cites Sem Scho Cites Sem Scho Citation Velocity Sem Scho Influential Citation Count
0 0 0
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