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Farina JM, Liblik K, Iomini P, Miranda-Arboleda AF, Saldarriaga C, Mendoza I, Zaidel EJ, Rubio-Campal JM, Sosa-Liprandi A, Baranchuk A
The burden of cardiovascular diseases is sharply rising in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Along with the increasing rates of cardiovascular risk factors in these regions, there is a growing recognition of the contribution of neglected tropical diseases and other infections. Several cardiac implications of these infections have been reported but have not yet been validated by robust population data. This is in part due to limited access to health care and insufficient data collection infrastructure in many LMICs. Therefore, the true impact of these infections on the cardiovascular system may be underestimated, because of both underdiagnosis and underreporting bias. There is an urgent need to thoroughly delineate the cardiac impact of these conditions with elevated prevalence in LMICs and to propose strategies to reduce the negative consequences of these diseases in health systems with limited resources.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology (IF: 27.203 / Quartile: )
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