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Raschi E, Comito F, Massari F, Gelsomino F
With the recent regulatory approvals, the relatlimab-nivolumab combination brings new expectations and opens avenues toward effective immunotherapy combination in advanced melanoma. This work provides a critical insight into the recent phase II-III RELATIVITY-047 trial (NCT03470922), including a comparison with the CheckMate 067 trial on the current standard ipilimumab-nivolumab combination, with a focus on immune-related adverse events. Some imbalances of rare toxicities were noted, deserving careful monitoring and assessment in the upcoming real-world use. The promising efficacy data, although still early, should be carefully balanced against these toxicities, thus making pharmacovigilance and global patient-level data sharing crucial to identify the target population, promote safer prescribing and eventually clarify its place in therapy.
Immunotherapy (IF: 4.04 / Quartile: )
WOS Cites:
SemanticScholar Cites: 0
SemanticScholar Citation Velocity: 0
SemanticScholar Influential Citation Count: 0
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