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Zhang C, Zhang Y, Li Y, Lu J, Xiong S, Yue Y
Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) is an important cause of viral myocarditis with no vaccine available in clinic. Herein we constructed an exosome-based anti-CVB3 vaccine (Exo-VP1), and compared its immunogenicity and immunoprotection with our previously reported recombinant VP1 protein (rVP1) vaccine. We found that compared with the 25 mug rVP1 vaccine, Exo-VP1 vaccine containing only 2 mug VP1 protein induced much stronger CVB3-specific T cell proliferation and CTL responses (with an increase of more than 70% and 40% respectively), and elicited greater splenic Th1/CTL associated cytokines (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-12). Furthermore, higher IgG levels with increased neutralizing titers and avidity were also evidenced in Exo-VP1 group. Consistently, Exo-VP1 group exhibited enhanced resistance to viral myocarditis than rVP1 vaccine, reflected by reduced cardiac viral loads, improved myocardial inflammation and an increased survival rate. Collectively, we reported that Exo-VP1 might present a more potent CVB3 vaccine candidate than rVP1 vaccine.
Virology (IF: 3.513 / Quartile: )
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Institute for Bio-health Research of Murcia (IMIB-Arrixaca)
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El Palmar, Murcia, Spain


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