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Nikoo MH, Sadeghi A, Estedlal A, Fereidooni R, Dehdari Ebrahimi N, Maktabi A, Kamgar M, Mehran F, Mehdibeygi O, Esfandiari H, Taherinezhad Tayebi M, Heydari ST
BACKGROUND: Cardiac conduction disorders and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes may occur as a manifestation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), especially in severe cases. AIM: To describe conduction system disorders and their association with other electrocardiographic parameters in patients who died of COVID-19. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, electrocardiographic and clinical data of 432 patients who expired from COVID-19 between August 1(st), 2021, and December 1(st), 2021, in a tertiary hospital were reviewed. RESULTS: Among 432 patients who died from COVID-19, atrioventricular block (AVB) was found in 40 (9.3%). Among these 40 patients, 28 (6.5%) suffered from 1st degree AVB, and 12 (2.8%) suffered from complete heart block (CHB). Changes in ST-T wave, compatible with myocardial infarction or localized myocarditis, appeared in 189 (59.0%). Findings compatible with myocardial injury, such as fragmented QRS and prolonged QTc, were found in 91 patients (21.1%) and 28 patients (6.5%), respectively. In patients who died of COVID-19, conduction disorder was unrelated to any underlying medical condition. Fragmented QRS, axis deviation, and ST-T changes were significantly related to conduction system disorder in patients who died of COVID-19 (P value < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Conduction system disorders are associated with several other ECG abnormalities, especially those indicative of myocardial ischemia or inflammation. Most patients (73.14%) who died of COVID-19 demonstrated at least one ECG abnormality parameter. Since a COVID-19 patient's ECG gives important information regarding their cardiac health, our findings can help develop a risk stratification method for at-risk COVID-19 patients in future studies.
World journal of cardiology (IF: / Quartile: )
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